Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My First Blog I am...writing a blog.  Not sure why I am doing it or if I should be doing it.  But here I am......doing it.  I kinda find blogs intriguing...but also a little egocentric.  However since one of my great longtime friends (who is so far from egocentric) has had a blog for many years then I figured I might try.  May only last tonight...or maybe I'll try tomorrow.  We will see.

I started thinking about writing a blog because I started a huge change in my life.  Those of you who know me will be like...  What?  Come on, Steph, you have done several big changes in your life.  But I guess this is the first time I felt like putting something down on paper...or I guess in this case, a laptop. 

Now I know this is no huge monumental thing I started, but in a way it was for me.  I decided to start running back in September.  Saw a friend on FB commenting about this great Couch to 5K program and I got interested.  Just had a baby the June before that and was desperate for a way to get motivated to lose weight.  I have NEVER (never say never) been a runner but thought the program looked like something attainable, so I started.  It wasn't easy and now thinking back, I am embarrassed at how bad I really was in the beginning.  But I started and haven't stopped yet....

1 comment:

  1. love it!! so glad you have joined the blogging world! If nothing else, it's a great way to journal and keep an online 'scrapbook'. =)
